Package pology :: Package proj :: Package kde :: Module header

Module header

Additional header operations for KDE Translation Project.

Author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <>

License: GPLv3

equip_header(hdr, cat)
Add extra information to header [type F4B hook].
  __package__ = 'pology.proj.kde'
Function Details

equip_header(hdr, cat)


Add extra information to header [type F4B hook].

The following header fields are set:

  • Language: the language code of translation; set only if the language can be determined
  • X-Environment: linguistic subset of the language of translation (team choices on terminology, ortography...); set to kde if not existing, otherwise left untouched.
  • X-Accelerator-Marker: accelerator marker character which may be encountered in text
  • X-Text-Markup: text markups (e.g. Qt rich text, Docbook...) which may be encountered in text, as keywords

For the hook to function properly, the local checkout of language catalogs must match the repository structure up to a certain level. See the documentation on check-tp-kde sieve for details. TODO: Put that instruction here.