Package pology :: Module match

Module match

Matchers and matcher helpers for various objects.

Author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <>

License: GPLv3

Exception for errors in matching expressions.
make_filtered_msg(msg, cat, accels=None, filters=[])
TODO: Write documentation.
(msgf, msg, cat, hl=[])->bool
make_msg_matcher(exprstr, mopts=None, abort=False)
Build expression matcher for messages.
(msg, cat, hl=[])->bool
make_msg_fmatcher(exprstr, mopts=None, accels=None, filters=[], abort=False)
Build expression matcher for messages, with filtering.
make_matcher(name, value, mods, params, neg=False)
TODO: Write documentation.
  __package__ = 'pology'
Function Details

make_msg_matcher(exprstr, mopts=None, abort=False)


Build expression matcher for messages.

For expression syntax, check find-messages sieve documentation for fexpr parameter. TODO: Put this instruction here.

The mopts parameter, if given, defines global matching options. It can be either a dictionary or an object with data attributes, and can contain the following keys/attributes (in parenthesis: type and default value in case the key is not present):

  • case (bool, False): True for case-sensitive matching

The built matcher function takes up to four parameters, in order:

  • msgf: filtered message (to really match against)
  • msg: raw message (to properly report matched spans)
  • cat: catalog in which the message resides
  • hl: highlight specification (to be filled with matched spans, can be omitted from the call)

Matcher function returns True if the message is matched, False otherwise.

In case an error in expression is encountered while building the matcher, either ExprError exception may be thrown or execution aborted, depending on the parameter abort.

  • exprstr (string) - expression string
  • mopts (dict or attribute object) - global matching options
  • abort (bool) - on errors in expression, abort execution if True, raise ExprError if False
Returns: (msgf, msg, cat, hl=[])->bool
matcher function

make_msg_fmatcher(exprstr, mopts=None, accels=None, filters=[], abort=False)


Build expression matcher for messages, with filtering.

Like make_msg_matcher, except that matchers built by this function do their own filtering, and so omit the first argument.

For semantics of accels and filters, see this module documentation on accel and filter sieve parameters.

  • exprstr (string) - expression string
  • mopts (attribute object) - global matching options
  • accels (sequence of strings or None) - possible accelerator markers
  • filters ((text)->text) - filters to apply to text fields [F1A hooks]
  • abort (bool) - on errors, abort execution if True, raise exception if False
Returns: (msg, cat, hl=[])->bool
matcher function