Package pology :: Package lang :: Package sr :: Module uiref

Module uiref

Additions to resolving UI references.

Author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <>

License: GPLv3

(text) -> text
mod_entities(unescape=False, basesuff='')
Modify entities in resolved UI text.
  entity_tail_rxstr = '([\\w_:][\\w\\d._:-]*);'
  __package__ = ''
Function Details

mod_entities(unescape=False, basesuff='')


Modify entities in resolved UI text.

If the UI text has been XML-escaped, any XML-entities in it have been escaped to &amp;<original>; form. If unescents is True, such forms will be unescaped to original entity.

If the original entity is of the form &<basename>-<suffix>;, a suffix may be inserted to the base name itself using the parameter basesuff. The entity then becomes &<basename><basesuff>-<suffix>;. If there are several hyphens in the original name, the suffix is taken as part after the last hyphen; if there are no hyphens, the suffix is taken as empty string.

  • unescape (bool) - whether to unescape escaped entities
  • basesuff (string) - suffix to append to base entity name
Returns: (text) -> text
type F1A hook