Package pology :: Package lang :: Package sr :: Module reduce

Module reduce

Reductions of Serbian text convenient in various special uses.

Author: Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић) <>

License: GPLv3

Reduce text to space-separated Ekavian Cyrillic words [type F1A hook].
Reduce text to space-separated Ekavian Cyrillic words, in lower case [type F1A hook].
Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words [type F1A hook].
Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words, in lower case [type F1A hook].
Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words containing at least three letters, one of which is 'е' or 'и', in lower case [type F1A hook].
  __package__ = ''
Function Details



Reduce text to space-separated Ekavian Cyrillic words [type F1A hook].

Words containing only Serbian Cyrillic characters are extracted, sorted, and joined by spaces into a string. In case the text contains dialect and script hybridization, it is passed through hictoec() to resolve it into clean Ekavian Cyrillic. In case the text contains accent marks, it is passed through remove_accents() to remove them.



Reduce text to space-separated Ekavian Cyrillic words, in lower case [type F1A hook].

Like words_ec, but the result is lowercased.



Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words [type F1A hook].

Like words_ec, but if the text was hybrid it is resolved into clean Ijekavian Cyrillic (see hictoic()).



Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words, in lower case [type F1A hook].

Like words_ic, but the result is lowercased.



Reduce text to space-separated Ijekavian Cyrillic words containing at least three letters, one of which is 'е' or 'и', in lower case [type F1A hook].

Like words_ic, but the result is lowercased.